By Erik Bergin 12 mars 2015 1726 Dela storyn Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest WhatsApp Var och en som haft med amerikanska storföretag att göra – för att inte tala om myndigheter – vet vilken mardröm det kan bli när ignoranta, initiativlösa och inte sällan rent av otrevliga personer i personalen tar emot frågan. Det finns förstås undantag. Jag har haft en del att göra med AT&T, teleoperatören, det senaste dryga året och det har alltid fungerat över förväntan med hjälp av proffsig personal, både i telefon och i butiker. (AT&T:s ohemula priser är en annan historia…) Men ibland blir det knas – som här, när jag i en kundtjänst-chatt försöker på svar på om FedEx, logistikjätten, kan hämta upp 16 lådor i min lägenhet: Chat Transcript A FedEx representative will be right with you… You have been connected to Kristin . Kristin : Hello Erik, thanks for visiting, I am researching your question now. Erik Bergin: Hi Kristin, I’m Erik. I’m trying to have 16 moving boxer transported from a residential address in Manhattan to a warehouse in New Jersey, where they will be shipped overseas by another company. I can’t figure out if Fedex does these kind of shipments. The boxes contains personal, household items, so it’s not a business shipment. Kristin : One moment Erik Bergin: It should say ”boxes” with an s… Kristin : One moment Kristin : I do apologize. If you create labels, we will ship the packages to any location in domestic or international Erik Bergin: Ok, yes all boxes have labels on them, explaining where they’re supposed to go next. Another question, du you pick up from residential addresses, or do I have to move them to a Fedex pickup point? They’re in my apartment now. Erik Bergin: Hello? Kristin : Do you have the tracking numbers> Erik Bergin: No, I haven’t created any shipment yet. Kristin : We can arrange pickup on any packages that have shipping labels on them to go to any one location Erik Bergin: Yes, but can you pick them up at my apartment? Kristin : Do you have a FedEx account? Erik Bergin: Yes, I just created one, minutes ago. Kristin : Please make the labels then pull then calling then for a pickup Erik Bergin: Ok, I know how to do that. But my question was if Fedex will pick them up at my home, or if I would have to bring them to a Fedex pickup point. Kristin : Yes. Erik Bergin: Yes what, at my home or at the pickup point?? Kristin : Yes as long as you an account. Erik Bergin: But listen, there were two alternatives in my question – pickup at home OR at pickup point. A ”yes” doesn’t tell me anything I want to know. I have an account already, so I just want to know, for the last time, if Fedex can pick up my boxes at my home address, OR if I have to bring them to a pickup point. Please… Kristin : We can pickup an address you give us if you have an account. Erik Bergin: Ok, that’s what I wanted to know, thank you. In this article BLOGGEN ☆amerikanska galenskaperFedEx Erik Bergin Författare och journalist på SvD sedan år 2000. Bevakade valet 2024 från Washington DC och var SvD:s korrespondent i New York 2013–2016. Arkiv: publicerade artiklar. Följ Erik på Twitter och på LinkedIn. Mer info & CV. Show More