Twitter exploderade i reaktioner på fredagen efter att Mitt Romney deklarerat att han inte ställer upp i presidentvalet 2016. Mitt Romney hoppar av By Erik Bergin 30 januari 2015 1676
By Erik Bergin 30 januari 2015 1676 Dela storyn Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest WhatsApp På fredagen kom nyheten att republikanen Mitt Romney, republikan, som förlorade mot Barack Obama 2008, inte ställer upp i presidentvalet 2016. ”Efter att ha spenderat mycket tanke på ett andra försök att bli president, så har jag bestämt att det bästa är att andra ledare i partiet får möjligheten att bli nästa kandidat”, säger Romney enligt New York Times med flera medier. Romney, 67, öppnar därmed dörren för flera av de andra kandidater som nämnts, men som ännu inte fattat ett slutgiltigt beslut. Bland dem finns Floridas tidigare guvernör Jeb Bush och New Jerseys nuvarande guvernör Chris Christie. På Twitter flödade kommentarerna om Romneys beslut på fredagen. Här är några (av tusentals) reaktioner: Full story: RT @terri_rupar: Here's Romney getting crossed off the list by @stevenjay — Rebecca Sinderbrand (@sinderbrand) January 30, 2015 GOP politicos react to Romney announcement: Surprised. Really surprised. 'Shocked as s–t,' says one. — Byron York (@ByronYork) January 30, 2015 Deep inside the double Romney conference calls: — Nick Confessore (@nickconfessore) January 30, 2015 By ruling out another campaign for President, Mitt Romney frees up scores of donors who were awaiting his decision. — NYT First Draft (@nytpolitics) January 30, 2015 Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz on #Romney not running: "Bummer. Mitt would have been one of the best Presidents ever." #voaalert — Cindy Saine (@cindysaine) January 30, 2015 Love the conflicting reporting today. So now Romney, who earlier apparently thought Christie had crazy problems, is now leaning towards him? — Matt Berman (@Mr_Berman) January 30, 2015 I guess #Romney decided running for president didn't have a good enough return on investment. — JasonCross00 (@JasonCross00) January 30, 2015 Well, the DailyBeast update on Mitt is at least better than that outlet that said Loretta Lynch worked for Clinton. — Michael McAuliff (@mmcauliff) January 30, 2015 I mean I like Jeb just fine too. But we think someone with the name "Bush" is more electable than Romney…Ok, could be true, I guess. — Cramer's Shirt (@CramersShirt) January 30, 2015 That kind of prudent decisionmaking almost makes Romney seem presidential. — Ben Greenman (@bengreenman) January 30, 2015 GOP field wide open now that #Romney is out — Joe Dwinell (@joedwinell) January 30, 2015 Romney quits #2016 race. Right call. Jeb Bush better candidate in the moderate Republican category. — Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 30, 2015 Finally, a Republican is NOT running for President. With Romney out, that leaves only 13 major GOP candidates in. — Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) January 30, 2015 I wonder what the hypothetical intrade contracts on Romney were trading at before his announcement. — Daniel Gross (@grossdm) January 30, 2015 By not pursuing a third presidential bid, Mitt Romney creates space for center-right hopefuls such as Jeb Bush. — NYT First Draft (@nytpolitics) January 30, 2015 Romney tells supporters to "feel free" to sign up for another campaign — tho he doesn't endorse anyone — Rob Schroeder (@mktwrobs) January 30, 2015 We got it wrong. Mitt Romney is not running for President. — The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) January 30, 2015 More details: RT @mviser: Romney: "I am convinced that we could win the nomination." — The Boston Globe (@BostonGlobe) January 30, 2015 Romney in January 2014: "Oh, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. And today: no. — Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) January 30, 2015 Damn! Friday ruined now that Romney is not running. I knew God didn't love me enough for that gift. — Jim Messina (@Messina2012) January 30, 2015 I’m gonna laugh so hard if someone faked that Romney email — Anthony De Rosa (@AntDeRosa) January 30, 2015 Fler reaktioner på Twitter här. In this article NYHETERMitt RomneypolitikUSAWhite House Erik Bergin Författare och journalist på SvD sedan år 2000. Bevakade valet 2024 från Washington DC och var SvD:s korrespondent i New York 2013–2016. Arkiv: publicerade artiklar. Följ Erik på Twitter och på LinkedIn. Mer info & CV. Show More