By Erik Bergin 4 juni 2012 1328 Dela storyn Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest WhatsApp Senaste n Into the archipelago: Your guide to Sweden’s secret world of islands (via GUIDE to the archipelago’s Top-Five islands STOCKHOLM TRAVEL GUIDE. As spring approaches, recreational skippers from all over head to their laid-up boats and yachts along the country’s long coastline to wash, polish, repair and prepare their vessels for the upcoming high season. The boating and… In this article DiverseDiverse Erik Bergin Författare och journalist på SvD sedan år 2000. Bevakade valet 2024 från Washington DC och var SvD:s korrespondent i New York 2013–2016. Arkiv: publicerade artiklar. Följ Erik på Twitter och på LinkedIn. Mer info & CV. Show More